Conflict of Interest Policy and Review


The Northern California Volleyball Association (NCVA) promotes and maintains standards for performance that strive for the highest levels of professionalism and service to our clients. This Conflicts-of-Interest Policy is to ensure that the NCVA officials work games in a manner so as to maintain independent and objective officiating.

The NCVA shall use its best efforts not to assign members to games where an actual or potential conflict of interest exists.

NCVA members are required to identify any relationship that presents an actual or potential conflict of interest with any school the NCVA services. The member should consider previous, active, and anticipated relationships. This conflict of interest identification applies to schools which the NCVA services. For the purposes of this conflict of interest identification, the term “family member” is defined to mean a member’s spouse, domestic partner, cohabitant, sibling, child, or step child.

Members shall identify conflict of interest relationships by submitting the NCVA’s conflict of interest form every year.

Members shall provide the following conflict of interest information with respect to schools and/or leagues serviced by the NCVA:

  • Member has attended or graduated from a school in a league serviced by the NCVA within the previous 15 years.
  • Member currently has a family member attending a school in a league serviced by the NCVA.
  • Member has a family member who, within the previous four (4) years, played any sport for a school in a league serviced by the NCVA.
  • Member, or any family member, currently is working, or has worked within the previous four (4) years, as a paid employee with a school serviced by the NCVA
  • Member, or any family member, currently is regularly volunteering, or has within the previous four (4) years regularly volunteered, with a school serviced by the NCVA.
  • Member, or any family member, currently is, or has within the previous four (4) years been, an athletic director or volleyball coach at a school serviced by the NCVA.
  • Member, or any family member, has a business relationship with a school in a league serviced by the NCVA.
  • Member, or any family member, has a business or social relationship with an athletic director or volleyball coach of a school in a league serviced by the NCVA.
  • Member has any other actual or potential conflicts of interest with respect to any school in a league serviced by the NCVA.

Eligibility for assignments where an actual or potential conflict of interest has been identified will be determined by the NCVA. A member who has been determined to be ineligible for any game assignment shall have the right to appeal such determination to the NCVA.

If any NCVA official is prohibited from working any school, league, or team due to this conflict of interest process, that prohibition and other information relating to the prohibition is confidential and is not to be published or communicated to anyone other than the Assignors specifically involved and the NCVA.

Failure to disclose information, that is later determined to be a conflict, may result in suspension from officiating for NCVA.