Youth League
Girls & Boys
2024/2025 Registration Open NOW!
2024-2025 NCVA Youth League
Fall Youth League schedule for 2024 is below. We have all registrations LIVE on TM2 NOW! See the below chart for the dates, locations, and registration links. Teams can participate in as many dates they wish. We have dates in Sacramento Area and the Bay Area.
New for 2024-2025 Season: 1st & 2nd Grade Division! All 8 & Under athletes are eligible for a free USAV/NCVA Membership for this season.
“Community” teams (not affiliated with a club) are welcome as long as all athletes and coach(es) have valid NCVA memberships.
Youth League tournaments will be offered in the following age groups to introduce younger athletes to the sport of volleyball: 1st/2nd (NEW!), 3rd/4th, 5th/6th, 7th/8th and 9th Grades.
All participating players require a full NCVA membership to compete in YFCL. Please see our membership page for details. 11 & Under Memberships are offered at a discounted rate ($15 NCVA, $10 USAV), and 8 & Under Memberships are FREE!
Teams may sign up for the League online in TM2Sign (TM2). Registration deadlines can be found on the table below.
Teams will be accepted after the deadline, based on space available.
Please contact [email protected] with your request to join, if after the deadline.
Team Registration fee is $150.00 per tournament day for YFCL, and teams can register for individual tournament days, instead of the entire league. Deadline to register is two weeks prior to the tournament.
Rosters will be open for editing before each league day, so you can add new players at any point as long as they have the appropriate membership to participate.
Fall 2024 Schedule
December 14th – Holiday Bonanza! Join in on our new special tournament with an ugly sweater contest, toy drive, and more. See our Holiday Bonanza event page for more details.
2024 Fall Youth League Dates
1st/2nd Grades | 3rd/4th Grades | 5th/6th Grades | 7th/8th Grades | 9th Grade | Registration on | |
League #1 @the Grounds, Roseville |
September 7 | September 7 | September 7 | September 7 | September 7 | Register Now! |
League #2 San Mateo Event Center |
October 6 | October 6 | October 6 | October 6 | October 6 | Register Now! |
League #3 @the Grounds, Roseville |
October 19 | October 19 | October 19 | October 19 | October 19 | Register Now! |
League #4 @the Grounds, Roseville |
November 3 | November 3 | November 3 | November 3 | November 3 | Register Now! |
League #5 San Jose Convention Center |
November 16 | November 16 | November 16 | November 16 | November 16 | Register Now! |
Holiday Bonanza! @the Grounds, Roseville |
December 14 | December 14 | December 14 | December 14 | December 14 | Register Now! |
@theGrounds (Roseville)
3rd/4th Grades | 5th/6th Grades | 7th/8th Grades | 9th Grade | |
Additional League (Reg. deadline: Monday, October 16th) |
October 22 | October 22 | October 22 | October 22 |
NCVA Youth Spring League
Youth Spring League tournaments will be offered in the following age groups to introduce younger athletes to the sport of volleyball: 3rd/4th, 5th/6th, 7th/8th and 9th Grades.
- Team Registration Deadline: Monday, November 24, 2023.
- Team Entry Fee: $100.00 per day.
- Teams will be accepted after the deadline, based on space available.
- Register in for each date your team wishes to participate.
Please contact [email protected] with your request, if after the deadline.
Attention: Please purchase your spectator tickets through the Girls Power League ticket page (access via the button below), as these event will be held at the same venue. For questions email [email protected].
Spring 2025 Schedule
2025 Spring Youth League Dates
1st/2nd Grades | 3rd/4th Grades | 5th/6th Grades | 7th/8th Grades | 9th Grade | Registration |
League #1 San Mateo Event Center |
January 5 | January 5 | January 5 | January 5 | January 5 | Register Now! |
League #2 @the Grounds, Roseville |
February 1 | February 1 | February 1 | February 1 | February 1 | Register Now! |
League #3 San Mateo Event Center |
February 22 Schedule |
February 22 Schedule |
February 22 Schedule |
February 22 Schedule |
February 22 Schedule |
Register Now! |
League #4 San Mateo Event Center |
May 4 | May 4 | May 4 | May 4 | May 4 | Register Now! |
Capital Sports Center (CSC) / Sacramento Area
3rd/4th Grades | 5th/6th Grades | 7th/8th Grades | 9th Grade | |
League #1 | February 5 | February 5 | February 5 | February 5 |
League #2 | March 12 *cancelled* |
March 12 *cancelled* |
March 12 *cancelled* |
March 12 *cancelled* |
League #3 | April 1 | April 1 | April 1 | April 1 |
Various Facilities in Sacramento and Bay Area (subject to change)
3rd/4th Grades | 5th/6th Grades | 7th/8th Grades | 9th Grade | |
League #1 | December 9 @theGrounds |
December 9 @theGrounds |
December 9 @theGrounds |
December 9 @theGrounds |
League #2 | January 7 San Mateo Event Center |
January 7 San Mateo Event Center |
January 7 San Mateo Event Center |
January 7 San Mateo Event Center |
League #3 | February 11 Santa Clara CC Schedule |
February 11 Santa Clara CC Schedule |
February 11 Santa Clara CC Schedule |
February 11 Santa Clara CC Schedule |
League #4 | April 6 San Mateo EC & CSC |
April 6 San Mateo EC & CSC |
April 6 San Mateo EC & CSC |
April 6 San Mateo EC & CSC |
How does Youth League Work?
Tournaments will consist of pool play only. If 3-team pools are used, cross over matches will follow pool play. All YFCL days are scheduled to begin at 9:00 AM and end by 4:00 PM. All athletes must have an NCVA membership to participate.
Tournament formats may change from league day to league day due to the number of entries received. Points will not be given for Youth League dates.
Youth League will have the following rule differences:
Warm-ups: No Shared Hitting!!!
- Pre-Match coin toss: BOTH teams ball-handling on own half of court!
- Teams go to “alone time” immediately after coin toss selections
- Matches where one or both teams have not played yet that day:
- 5 minutes “SERVING” team ALONE – full use of the court
- 5 minutes “RECEIVING” team ALONE – full use of the court
- (Serving included in your 5 minutes)
- Matches where BOTH teams have already played that day:
- 3 minutes “SERVING” team ALONE – full use of the court
- 3 minutes “RECEIVING” team ALONE – full use of the court
- (Serving included in your 3 minutes)
- Matches where one or both teams have not played yet that day:
- For the first serve of the match, player must start behind the end line.
- If the player is unable to make their serve over the net on the first attempt:
- Player may re-serve.
- Player is allowed to take a step into the court.
- If a player takes a step in and makes the serve over the net, then the player must take a step backward at their next serve attempt.
- If a player serves over the net and it goes out, they may not step in or re-serve.
- If the served ball becomes in play, regardless of the result, no re-serve is allowed.
3rd / 4th / 5th / 6th grade players:
- This division uses timed matches
- 35 minutes each match, switching sides after 15 minutes.
- Officiating team should start score over at 15 minute switch.
- Team with the most points at switch and/or end wins the set. No score limit within these 15 minutes.
- The result is recorded by sets, not matches.
- All final pool results are done by set percentage.
- Warm-up time is not included in the 35 minute match.
- A limit of 3 serves in a row, then side-out, without awarding a point.
7th / 8th / 9th grade players:
- This division has a two (2) set cap.
- There is not a point cap for this age group, teams must win by two (2) points.
- The result is recorded by sets, not matches
- All results are done by set percentage
- A limit of 6 serves in a row, then side-out, without awarding a point
Frequently Asked Questions
How many tournaments are included in the league fee?
Teams may sign up to play as many or as few dates that they wish to sign up for. Each league date is $180 and stands as its own entry fee. Enrollment into all league dates
Where are the tournament locations?
Tournaments are held within 90 minutes of the teams competing in that area’s league.
What are the uniform requirements?
- Players need to be in matching outfits (as far as color). Numbers on one side (front or back) are required – recommend both front and back
- Does not have to be expensive jerseys – teams may use simple white shirts with numbers drawn on the white shirts.
- Shorts do not have to be the exact same brand or style, but should be the same color – Example: Players may wear black shorts that are all different brands.
- Are the Youth Teams required to provide a work team like Junior League, where teams and coaches will have to provide an R1, keep score, and do lines?
Yes, teams are responsible for officiating duties.
How are the age group defined?
Divisions are broken up by school grades rather than standard USAV Age Definitions.
What net height will be used?
All Youth League divisions will be held on Junior Net Height of 2.13m.
Still have questions?
Please contact the NCVA office by phone or by emailing [email protected]