Boys Division Handbook

Welcome to the 2024-2025 Volleyball Season!

We hope that this Handbook will help guide you through your season. As always, we are here to help! So if you have any questions at all, please feel free to reach out to the NCVA office.

Membership Registration

As of September 1st, all Northern California Volleyball Association (NCVA) must renew their membership or become new members by using SportsEngine. Detailed information can be found in the FEES section of this handbook. You may also visit the NCVA website for more information.

Tournament Registration

  • Your event registration is complete once the following steps are done:
    1. Submit club sanctioning form.
    2. Purchase USAV/NCVA membership.
    3. Register online on
    4. All payments completed. Payments can be made by credit card or check.
    5. Background checks have cleared, SafeSport and IMPACT Certified.
    6. Rosters built in TM2 and SportsEngine.
  • All tournament entries and membership registrations (player, coach, team, etc.) must be completed online by the individual(s).
  • All tournament cancellations must be submitted online to the NCVA using the Tournament Cancellation Form.
  • There are no refunds after the registration deadline for NCVA Events or if the team is 'accepted' on TM2Sign.Review the Refund Policy HERE.

On-Site at NCVA Tournaments

  • All teams, players and coaches, must arrive at the team’s assigned tournament site at least one (1) hour prior to the scheduled start time for the tournament. Teams that may have a bye for the first match of the day are still required to show up one (1) hour prior to the scheduled start time for the tournament. For example, if the scheduled start time for Power League #2 is 8:00 AM, then your entire team should arrive by 7:00 AM.
  • Coaches must attend the on-site coaches meeting held 30 minutes prior to match time for all league and non-league events (does not apply to our National Qualifier). Teams who do not attend the meeting may be dropped from the tournament.
  • Teams are responsible for keeping track of the status of play on their assigned court. Teams must be ready to play or officiate as soon as the court is ready to go. Teams failing to be ready on their assigned court will incur sanctions.

Recruiting Policy

  • The NCVA Boys Division sanctioned season begins on September 1st, 2024 and concludes on the day after the last day of the USA Junior National Volleyball Championships (JNC). Regardless of either event, the conclusion of the Boys Division sanctioned season will not extend past August 31st, 2025.
  • Once a player has committed to a team during the NCVA sanctioned season, club directors and coaches from other NCVA clubs must respect the player’s commitment and cease recruiting the player. If a recruiter contacts a player who has signed a commitment to another team, the player must notify the recruiter of the commitment. After notification, the recruiter shall not contact that player or the player’s family.
  • A recruiting violation occurs when an NCVA registered club director and/or coach from one (1) NCVA registered club makes initial verbal or written contact with an athlete, or the athlete’s parents, already committed to another NCVA registered club with the intent to persuade the player to leave the present club and join another club.
  • The suggested maximum penalty may include, but is not limited to, a monetary fine and/or a suspension of NCVA membership for a period of one (1) year, beginning on the date of the final ruling.
  • If a club director or coach is found guilty of committing a recruiting violation, the guilty party may make an appeal. A special Board of Inquiry Committee will hear the appeal and will make a ruling. The decision of this Committee will be final.
  • If a player or parent makes the initial contact, a club director or coach may answer questions and inform the player or parent about the club’s specific program without fear of committing a recruiting violation. It is strongly recommended that all club directors and coaches refrain from making negative comments concerning other clubs or their staff.
  • A player who has committed to a club and then wishes to transfer to another club must follow the NCVA’s Procedure for Player Transfer. This is irrespective of the length of a player’s membership with that club.

Signing/Commitment Policy

A Signing/Commitment letter has been created to protect the player and parent/guardian as a member of a club that follows NCVA policies and guidelines.

Players Turning 18

If a player turns 18 years of age during the NCVA sanctioned season (between September 1st 2024, and August 31st, 2025) they must purchase the 18's membership and must complete the required Safesport certification online immediately to be eligible to play. Players Enrolled in Collegiate Athletics: If an individual participates in collegiate athletics, they are no longer eligible to participate in junior club divisions regardless of whether the individual is age eligible. This includes but is not limited to college teams, college club teams, and college intramurals.

Minors Coaching

  • Anyone that would like to coach a Junior Team that is age 17 and under is allowed to be an assistant coach. All teams must have a head coach age 18 or older.
  • A head coach, 18 and over, must always be present, a minor participating as an assistant coach is not allowed to coach by themselves at practice/tournaments, etc.
  • Any individual who is not yet 18 years old and who is in a non-player role affiliated with a junior club must complete a background screening immediately upon reaching 18 years of age. A 30-day grace period shall apply from the date of the 18th birthday in order to allow time for the background screening to be processed. During the 30-day grace period the same restrictions apply to the individual and should be enforced as are in place for junior coaches regarding supervision by a qualified adult.
  • Must have a Junior Coach Membership.
  • Must be SafeSport and IMPACT Certified.

Club to Club Player Transfer

Junior players are eligible to play for any club or team until the start of the NCVA sanctioned season, which begins on September 1st, 2024. During the sanctioned season, a player is to remain a registered member of that specific club throughout the season. However, during the sanctioned season, a player or parent may request a transfer to another club.

Transfer Guidelines

  • A player cannot participate in any practice or tournament until the NCVA has approved the transfer.
  • A player can only transfer provided they remain in the same age definition or higher. Example: If you are a 16 year-old who is playing in the 18's division, you cannot transfer back to the 16s Division. However, if you play on an 18s team and need to transfer to a different club, you can play on a 17s team provided the player is within the USAV Age Definition.
  • Once a team has qualified, or attempted to qualify, for a National Bid to the JNC that team’s roster is frozen. See USAV website for Frozen Roster Verification Rules.
  • A new player may be added to any team’s roster at any time provided the player has never been registered with another NCVA registered club for that season.
  • Following Power League #3, you cannot transfer a player from one (1) club to another club.
  • If the current club director will not sign the form to release the player, the player or parent may submit a written appeal to the NCVA, and the NCVA League Coordinator will make the necessary contact(s).
  • The NCVA League Coordinator has the right to release the player whether or not the current club director responds.
  • The NCVA League Coordinator also has the right to uphold the current club director’s decision to not grant the player release. In either case, each party has the right to appeal to the Commissioner.
  • One (1) Club to Club transfer is permitted per season.


What you need

Transfer Procedure

First Fill out and Submit a Change of Clubs Form This form is used to initiate the process for players to change clubs. The player, parent, current club director and future club director must all sign a Change of Clubs form separately in order for the transfer to occur
Second The NCVA Office will review the form for approval. Players may not practice, play or in any way be affiliated with their new club until the transfer has been approved by the NCVA Office.
Third Email Approval The NCVA office will send an email to all parties once the player has been approved or denied of the transfer.

Player Transfer within a Club

A team’s roster must remain the same for all NCVA League Tournaments (Qualifier, League Tournaments #1-3, and Region Championships).

  • However, during the NCVA-sanctioned season, a player may transfer from one (1) team to another team within the same club provided it is within the same age category or higher. A player can only transfer once to a different team and must stay with that team for the remainder of the season. They must also qualify under the Age definition. Example: If you are a 16-year-old playing in the 18s division, you cannot transfer back to the 16s Division.


What you need

Transfer Procedure

First Notify the NCVA Office via email Send an email and ask for approval ([email protected]) of the transfer.
Second Updated Roster from Handbook If the transfer is approved, you will need to submit a new roster via [email protected]. And update your roster on TM2 and SportsEngine.

Transfer Guidelines

Once a team has qualified for a National Bid to the USAV Junior National Championships, that team’s roster is frozen. See USAV website for Frozen Roster Verification Rules.

  • A player may not return to a previous team once a transfer has occurred.
  • Following Power League #3, you cannot transfer a player from one (1) team to another team within the club for the remainder of Power League.
  • A new player may be added to any team’s roster at any time provided the player has never been registered with another NCVA registered club for that season. Appropriate paperwork and fees must be submitted to the NCVA office before the player participates in any practice or tournament.
  • Any player or club found illegally transferring players between teams within their club may be subject, but not limited, to fines and/or suspension of the club director, coach, and/or player(s) involved.

Adding New Players to a Roster

  • A new player may be added to any team’s roster at any time provided the player has never been registered with another NCVA registered club for that season. Appropriate paperwork and fees must be submitted to the NCVA Office before the player participates in any practice or tournament and update your roster online.
  • Any player or club found illegally transferring players between teams within their club or illegally adding new players to a roster may be subject, but not limited, to fines and/or suspension of the club director, coach, and/or player(s) involved.

Multi-Division Teams

  • A team that participates in the NCVA Power League may participate in an older age division but must continue to play in that age division for each league tournament. Such a team may play in their own age division for all non-league and “special” tournaments.
  • Teams may not play in a younger age division. Any team found participating in an illegal age division or illegally switching age divisions may be subject, but not limited, to fines and/or suspension of the club director, coach and/or player(s) involved.

Participating in a Beach Program

Players that plan to participate in both the indoor and outdoor seasons may do so without defining a club commitment for the outdoor season. There is not a transfer policy to participate in both seasons as indoor season commitments do not apply to the outdoor season. A full season Junior Membership covers a member who participates in the Indoor programs as well as the Beach Program.

Regional Jurisdiction Policy

  • Players on NCVA teams must reside within the NCVA region’s geographical jurisdiction (as approved by USA Volleyball).
  • Players who reside within the NCVA region’s geographical jurisdiction cannot play on a team that is under the jurisdiction of another Regional Volleyball Association.

USA Volleyball Junior Player Age Definition

For Use during the 2024 - 2025 Season

Once a player participates (including but not limited to practicing, training, attending workouts and/or competing) in a club or varsity program for any university, college, community college, or junior college, that player is ineligible to take part in any regional and national programming, which includes but is not limited to national JNC qualifying and championship events.

A downloadable version of this age chart is available as a PDF.


Power League Tournaments

  • The League consists of a two-day Qualifier, three (3) League tournaments, and a two-day Region Championship. These tournaments are mandatory, which means that a team entering this League will play seven (7) mandatory days. Upon registering for the League, a team will automatically be entered in each League event.
  • Teams entering the League will be divided into divisions (Gold, Silver, Bronze, etc.) and age groups based on results from the Qualifier.
  • The format for these divisions will be determined by the number of teams entered. Travel is required for this League.
  • The deadline to enter/pay for the League online is 5:00 PM on September 3, 2024 (rosters due by September 14, 2024 at 5:00 PM).
  • There are no refunds after the date posted in the Refund Policy section in TM2sign.
  • A team may choose to enter the League after the Qualifier, but they will be entered at the lowest level and only if space is available, at the full Power League cost.
  • Points will be awarded to each team based on their results.
  • If a team either No Shows, Cancels or Forfeits a tournament, they will receive last place points for that tournament and take the last seed in that division and additional sanctions will be applied.
  • Play will begin at 8:00 AM.
  • Each match is the best two-out-of-three sets to 25 points in the first two (2) sets and to 15 points in the third set switching sides at eight (8) points, if necessary. All sets will use rally scoring with no cap. Based on format pools may be playing all three (3) sets to 25 Points.
  • After pool play, teams advance to playoff brackets. If bracket play cannot be completed by 6:00 PM, the tournament director can change the match format to ONE set to 25 points. Teams switch sides when one (1) team reaches 13 points.

All league entry fees are non-refundable, non-transferable.

Power League Qualifier Seeding

Placement into the 2024 - 2025 Power League is determined by Power League Qualifier Finish. Every team in the Power League Qualifier will have an opportunity on the court to reach the Gold, Silver or Bronze Division.

Teams will be seeded based on a combination of 2023 - 2024 team points and finish in 2024 NCVA/USAV Sanctioned events. Teams without 2023 - 2024 Power League points will initially be seeded after those with points. Any team that believes a seed is significantly incorrect may submit a seeding appeal (your written appeal will be considered by NCVA if your appeal states compelling reasons of why your team is mis-seeded, then appropriate calculations for a different seed may occur).

Initial Seeding

  • Teams will be seeded based on their points from the 2023 - 2024 Power League. Example: NCVA 16-1 will be seeded based on NCVA 15-1 finish in the 2023-2024 season.
  • All teams who did not have a corresponding team in 2023 - 2024 finishes will be seeded at the bottom of the division.
  • Seeding will be posted by 5 PM Friday, September 6, 2024.


  • Teams that believe they are significantly mis-seeded must submit a written appeal to the NCVA Office by the deadline: September 10, 2024 by 9 AM.
  • You must turn in the Appeals Form by this date. This form can be found on the NCVA website.

Examples of teams that have appropriate reasons to appeal

  • A team that is comprised of many players who played with a different club in 2023/2024.
  • Appeals should only be submitted when a team’s seeding may be incorrect by at least 35% of the divisions seeding.

Once the seeding is released for appeals, the ceiling/cap will be removed from the seeded and unseeded teams. Based on the appeal, team(s) may be moved accordingly.

This percentage translates to these approximations:

Age Division Approximate Number of Seeds Represented by 35%
14 10
16 14
18 19

Unseeded teams

For the 2024 - 2025 season these teams will be seeded from the same age group from last season. Example: If your club has a 16-1 team playing in the 2024 - 2025 season but did not have a 15-1 team in 2023 - 2024 this 16-1 team would be considered an “unseeded” team.

Power League Region Championships

The Power League Region Championship division assignments are determined after the movement of teams based on the finish of Power League #3. Teams will then be sorted within their assigned divisions by their total points to determine seeding for the Region Championships.


  • Teams will be given sole use of the court for five (5) minutes prior to their first match of the day. During the five (5) minutes the team may hit, practice ball handling and serve (serving must be done during their five (5) minutes). No other time will be allotted to practice serving.
  • Serving Team – five (5) minutes solo court.
  • Receiving Team – five (5) minute solo court.
  • Once all teams in the pool have played, the teams scheduled to play the next match will be given sole use of the court for three (3) minutes. During the three (3) minutes the team may hit, practice ball handling and serve (serving must be done during their three (3) min.) No other time will be allotted to practice serving.

Since no ball handling is permitted during the opposing team’s use of the court, it is recommended that each team provides shaggers for the opposing team’s warm-up. This allows for more reps for the team warming up. Due to insurance and liability requirements only NCVA registered and on the roster personnel will be allowed to retrieve balls.

For more information on warmups, see the USAV Indoor Volleyball Rule book.

Tie-Breaking Procedure

Two (2) Way Ties

Two (2) way ties, in match record in a pool are broken by head-to-head competition results between the two (2) tied teams.

Three (3) Way Ties

Three (3) way ties in a pool are broken by:
1st Matches Won/Lost Record.
2nd Sets Won/Lost percentage.
Calculation: the team’s total number of sets won divided by the team’s total number of sets played equals the won/lost percentage. The highest percentage wins the pool.
3rd Point Differential Determined among the tied teams.
Calculation: the sum of the team’s points scored minus the sum of the team’s points allowed across all matches of the pool.

Note: If three (3) teams have the same match record but a different set record, only the teams with identical set records are tied. If match record and set record are the same for all three (3) teams, then point differential will be used to break the tie.


If an explanation of an application or interpretation of a rule is not satisfactory to the team captain, the captain must immediately indicate their disagreement and file a protest prior to the authorization of the next service. If the disagreement with the referee’s explanation involves the last point of the set, the official protest must be recorded within the first 60 seconds of the times interval between sets. (For 14-and-under competition, the coach may act instead of the captain.) A protest must be called prior to a player going to a tournament director or head official. A parent is not allowed to call a protest.

  • If the final point of the match is disputed, the protest must be recorded before the referees leave the playing area.
  • It is advisable to have an assigned Protest Committee (Tournament Director) available to rule upon a protest as soon as possible prior to the first service following the protest. Such action should preclude playing the match over from the point of protest if the protest is upheld.

Protests considered by the first referee (Protest Committee or Tournament Director) include:

  1. Misinterpretation of a playing rule.
  2. Failure of the first referee to apply the correct rule to a given situation.
  3. Failure to charge the correct penalty-sanction for a given fault.

Protest facts recorded on the score sheet must include:

  1. Score of the set at the time of the protest.
  2. Players and positions at the time of the protest.
  3. Player substitutions and team substitutions made up to the protest.
  4. Team time-outs taken up to the protest.
  5. Situation that caused the protest.
  6. Signatures of the scorer, captains and first referee, indicating the facts are correct.

Coaches may not protest judgement calls.

NCVA Power League Point Structure

The Point Structure is based on the number of teams participating in Power League. This will be available after the Power League Registration Deadline, which is Tuesday, September 3, 2024.

No Shows, Late Cancellations and Forfeits will all receive the Last Place in their division and Last Place Points.

Team Movement

  • The top three (3) finishing teams in each League tournament (#1, #2 and #3) will move up one (1) division and the three (3) lowest finishing teams will move down one division.
  • For example, a Silver division team that finishes tenth, eleventh, or twelfth in a League tournament will move to the Bronze division for its next tournament. Likewise, a team finishing first, second, or third in the Bronze division will move to the Silver division.

Reviewing Points

The NCVA makes every attempt to post points on the Wednesday following the last day of play.


What is a Sanctioned Event?

Sanctioned events are tryouts, clinics, open gyms, and other club affiliated events that have been approved by NCVA/USAV. These events are governed by the policies set by NCVA/USAV and are covered by the USA Volleyball insurance policy.

Sanctioned events are required to submit a list (tryouts and clinics) or Roster (leagues, qualifiers and special events) of all adults attending each event. These adults are mandated to meet the minimum coaching requirements which include: IMPACT certification, annual SafeSport certification, and annual background screening. Adults failing to meet these requirements are not approved to be present as a participant at the sanctioned event.

Sanctioned events must also ensure that all participants attending, both adults and juniors, have a valid NCVA/USAV membership for the duration of the event.

What is a Non-Sanctioned Event?

Many clubs/teams receive invitations to events hosted by other clubs/teams that are not sanctioned by NCVA and/or USA Volleyball. This indicates they have not requested/been approved for sanctioning and are not covered by USAV policies and insurance. Teams that participate in non-NCVA sanctioned events are playing without USA Volleyball insurance coverage.

Any complaints/claims that would arise, including but not limited to code of conduct violations, code of ethics violations, sexual misconduct, and injury, would fall on the event organizers and/or participants of the event.

Sanctioned competition protects a player’s eligibility for participation in regional, zonal, national, and international competition. For anyone participating in non-USAV events, please be diligent in reviewing insurance, waivers and release of liability guidelines beforehand.

Event Registration Refund Policy

Please review the NCVA Refund Policy . This policy does NOT apply to Non-League or Youth League

Power League Schedule

Teams participating in the Power League must enter online by 5:00pm September 3, 2024 and pay for the league by 5:00 PM on September 3, 2024. We will accept teams on a space-availability basis. You can email the NCVA for availability. Late fees may apply if a team enters after the deadline.
12 14/13 16/15 18/17
Qualifier Sep 14 - Sep 15 Sep 14 - Sep 15 Sep 14 - Sep 15 Sep 14 - Sep 15
League #1 Oct 6 Oct 5 Oct 6 Oct 5
League #2 Oct 19 Oct 20 Oct 19 Oct 20
League #3 Nov 3 Nov 2 Nov 3 Nov 2
Regional Championship Nov 16 - Nov 17 Nov 16 - Nov 17 Nov 16 - Nov 17 Nov 16 - Nov 17

Non-League Schedule

12/11 14/13 16/15 18/17
Non-League #1 TBA TBA TBA TBA

Youth Fall Competition League Schedule

YFCL at San Mateo Event Center / @theGrounds / San Jose Convention Center:

3rd/4th Grades 5th/6th Grades 7th/8th Grades 9th Grade
League #1 October 6 October 6 October 6 October 6
League #2 October 19 October 19 October 19 October 19
League #3 November 3 November 3 November 3 November 3
League #4 November 16 November 16 November 16 November 16
Holiday Bonanza! December 14 December 14 December 14 December 14

2024 - 2025 Region Special Events

No Dinx/NCVA Boys Far Western National Qualifier

January 11-12, 2025
San Mateo Event Center, San Mateo, CA

Divisions: 14O, 15O, 16O, 17O, 18O, 14U, 15U, 16U, 17U, 18U
Plus, 12s and 13s No Dinx Divisions

Win a Bid to USA Volleyball Boys' Junior National Championships!

No Dinx Bay View Classic

May 24-25-26, 2025
Roebbelen Center @theGrounds, Roseville, CA

Divisions: 12, 14/13, 16/15, 18/17

Gear up for Nationals, or put a team together to have a fun weekend of volleyball!

NCVA Boys Summer Kickoff

June 7-8, 2025
Site Capital Sports Center

Divisions: 12, 14/13, 16/15, 18/17

All Teams Welcome! Get Pumped For National Championships!

Register or Contact Us:

Phone: (415) 550-7582
Email: [email protected]
Register: TM2sign

Boys' National Qualifiers

No Dinx/NCVA Far Western National Qualifier

BFW Logo

January 11-12, 2025
San Mateo Event Center, San Mateo, CA

14O, 15O, 16O, 17O, 18O
14U, 15U, 16U, 17U, 18U
12s and 13s No Dinx Division

Phone: (415) 550-7582
Email: [email protected]
Register for this tournament online

Information for additional National Qualifiers can be found on As a reminder, USA Volleyball may change some of their requirements from what is in this Handbook.

USAV Junior National Championships


July 3 - 10, 2025
Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, Minn.

For complete information on the JNCs, check USA Volleyball’s website. Information on dates, divisions, location, and schedule are located on the site along with information on entry costs, procedures, and hotel accommodations. A complete download of the Pre-Tournament Booklet will also be available. Some of the information may be duplicated on the NCVA website.

USA Volleyball requires all teams to register online through their website.

Once a team has qualified for a Bid to the Junior National Championships, that team’s roster is frozen. See USAV website for Frozen Roster Verification Rules.

Dates to Remember

Coaches’ Registration and Background Checks

NEW COACHES: Two (2) weeks prior to your Tryouts (Tryouts begin on August 16,2024), complete a Tryout Pass for Coaches to submit your background screening and complete your Safesport Certification. Make sure to updgrade your membership to the Full Coaches membership September 1.

RETURNING COACHES: If you were a member last season, the membership and background is good through August 31. Make sure to renew your membership on September 1.

The payment and registration deadlines for Power League are 5:00 PM on September 3, 2024 (Rosters deadline September 14, 2024)

Please review the Registration Checklist for steps to complete all registration.

USA Volleyball Junior National Championship’s Paperwork and Payments to USA Volleyball

See USA Volleyball’s website for all requirements and deadlines.


Important: It is the responsibility of the club to ensure that all members of their club who participate at tournaments have a current/eligible membership registered with USAV/NCVA.

  • Membership fees are non-refundable.
  • Memberships are not transferable from one player to another, or from one membership to another.
  • All adults affiliated with a junior club are required to be members and pass a background and complete SafeSport certification.

Membership Fees

As of September 1st, all participants playing in NCVA events must purchase the 2024/2025 season membership or register as a new member. No refunds.

Membership Type Cost
Athlete Membership: 18 and under Players
Valid September 1st to August 31st, 2025.
Non-refundable and non-transferable.
Must be paid online through SportsEngine.
$52.00 NCVA + $23.00 USAV
Adult Membership: 18+ affiliated with a Junior Club
Valid September 1st to August 31st, 2025.
For: Club Director/Admin, Coach, Team Rep, Chaperone, etc.
Non-refundable and non-transferable.
Must be paid online through SportsEngine.
$52.00 NCVA + $23.00 USAV
$14.00 annual Background Check
Junior Coach Membership: Minor Aged Assistant Coach
Valid September 1st to August 31st, 2025.
Non-refundable and non-transferable.
Must be paid online through SportsEngine.
$52.00 NCVA + $23.00 USAV
Tryout Membership
Valid August 16th 2024 to August 31st, 2025.
Non-refundable. Upgrade to FULL Athlete Membership available.
Must be paid online through SportsEngine.
$10.00 NCVA + $5.00 USAV
Summer Membership
Valid June 1st to August 31st, 2025.
For: Indoor/Outdoor clinics, camps and activities (DOES NOT APPLY TO 2024/2025 TRYOUTS).
Non-refundable and non-transferable.
Must be paid online through SportsEngine.
$16.00 NCVA + $09.00 USAV
Athlete Membership: 11 and under
Valid August 16th to August 31st,2025.
Must be paid online through SportsEngine.
$15.00 NCVA + $10.00 USAV
Athlete Membership: 8 and under
Valid August 16th to August 31st,2025

Tournament and League Fees

Fees can be paid online or by submitting a payment to the NCVA Office.

Tournament Duration Fee
Power League 7 Days $1500.00 per team
Non-League 1 Day $200.00 per team
No Dinx/NCVA Boys Far Western 2 Days $950.00 per team
Bay View Classic 3 Days $600.00 per team
Boys Summer Kickoff 2 Days $250.00 per team

Fee Analysis

Power League

  • Days of competition: Seven (7)
  • Days in Convention Centers/Sports Complex: Four (4)
  • Entry Fee: $1500.00 per team

Cost Breakdown

No. of Players Total Cost Per Player (membership included) Cost Per Player Per Day
10 $200.00 $28.57
12 $175.00 $25.00
15 $150.00 $21.43

No Dinx/NCVA Far Westerns Boys National Qualifier

  • Days of competition: Two (2)
  • Entry fee: $950.00 per team

Cost Breakdown

No. of Players Event Cost Per Player Total Cost Per Day
10 $95.00 $47.50
12 $79.17 $39.58
15 $63.33 $31.67

Bay View Classic

  • Days of competition: Three (3)
  • Entry fee: $600.00 per team

Cost Breakdown

No. of Players Event Cost Per Player Total Cost Per Day
10 $60.00 $20.00
12 $50.00 $16.67
15 $40.00 $13.33

Boys' Summer Kickoff

  • Days of competition: Two (2)
  • Entry fee: $250.00 per team

Cost Breakdown

No. of Players Event Cost Per Player Total Cost Per Day
10 $25.00 $12.50
12 $20.83 $10.42
15 $16.67 $8.33

All Events Combined

  • If your team plays in the Power League ($1500.00) , Bay View Classic ($600.00), Boys' Summer Kickoff ($250.00) and Far Western ($950.00) for a total of 14 tournament days, the total cost for the team is: $3,300.00.
No. of Players Event Cost Per Player Total Cost Per Day
10 $330.00 $23.57
12 $275.00 $19.64
15 $220.00 $15.71


Parent / Player Guidelines

What should a player and his parents expect from a club at tryouts?

  • You have the right to make an informed decision. Since your decision is binding for the full season, you should make your choice carefully.
  • You should be wary of any club that tries to convince you to join while denying you information.
  • We recommend that you receive the information in writing.

At the very least, you are entitled to the following information from the clubs

  • The opportunity to talk to parents, other players, and/or other programs.
  • The opportunity to try out in a future season without discrimination.
  • Knowledge about how many spots are available before a tryout begins.
  • Clear disclosure of financial obligations.
  • A statement of club philosophy.
  • Have any questions answered.
  • An assessment of your role on the team.
  • Disclosure of other players who have accepted and/or been offered spots.
  • Information on the coaching staff.
  • Description of the teams, goals, practice schedule, and tournament schedule.
  • Try out for more than one club.
  • Time Commitment.
  • Travel Commitment.
  • Travel Policy for overnight stay.
  • Social Media Guidelines.
  • SafeSport Guidelines.

Parents - you may view our Parents Info page for general information. Make sure you are aware of all recruiting rules and regulations following your commitment to your club. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Northern California office at (415) 550-7582 or email us.

Tryout Policy for the 2024 - 2025 Season


Each year the tryout policy is reviewed by the Board of Directors. They have reviewed the alternative solutions and suggestions given to the NCVA from club directors, coaches and parents. The decision has been made to keep the current policy intact. The approved start date for tryouts for the 2024 - 2025 season is: August 16, 2024.

Tryout Policy and Letter of Commitment

A Signing/Commitment letter has been created to protect the player and parent/guardian as a member of a club that follows NCVA policies and guidelines.

Only One Letter of Commitment Permitted

A player who signs more than one Letter of Commitment with more than one club is subject to suspension for the entire 2024 - 2025 season.

Verbal Commitments

A returning player may commit verbally to their club the day after USAV Boys Junior National Championships has ended. A verbal commitment is not binding. The player may revoke the commitment at any time, before signing a Letter of Commitment, without penalty.

Recruiting Ban after Signing

I understand that all clubs are obligated to respect my signing and shall cease to recruit me upon my signing this document. I shall notify any recruiter who contacts me that I have signed.

Club Signatures Required Prior to Submission

This document must be signed and dated by the Club Director before submission to me and my parents (or legal guardian) for our signatures.

Parent/Guardian Signature Required

My parent or legal guardian is required to sign this Letter of Commitment if I am less than 18 years of age at the time of signing.

Falsification of Letter of Commitment

If I falsify any part of this Letter of Commitment, including the date, I understand that I am subject to suspension for the entire 2024 - 2025 season.

Nullification of Other Agreements

My signature on this Letter of Commitment nullifies any agreements, verbal or otherwise, which would release me from the conditions stated within this document.

Binding Agreement

I understand that I have signed this Letter of Commitment with the club and not with a particular individual. If the coach or any player(s) leaves the team, I remain bound by the provisions of this document. If a club makes dramatic material changes from what was promised, then it may be grounds for a release from the commitment. Examples include, but are not limited, to significant changes in practice schedule, practice location, tournament schedule.


The following sanctions apply directly to the person(s) violating the policy:

  • The penalty for the first violation will be suspension from all NCVA/USAV competition for a minimum of one (1) week up to a maximum of one (1) month, depending on the severity of the violation. Multiple offenses arising from the same incident (e.g., multiple players on the same team) will incur separate penalties.
  • The penalty for the second violation will be suspension from all NCVA/USAV competition for a minimum of one (1) month up to a maximum of one (1) year, depending on the severity of the violation.  Multiple offenses arising from the same incident (e.g., multiple players on the same team) will incur separate penalties.

All suspensions begin on the date of the first competition following the violation for the penalized person(s).

If any person fails to adhere to the terms of a sanction, the individual will be suspended from NCVA competition and National level events for one (1) calendar year and subject to a lifetime ban. Furthermore, the coaching staff of the team on which the person is registered will be suspended from NCVA competition and National level events for one (1) calendar year and subject to a lifetime ban. In the event the individual is the club director, all coaches in the club will be suspended from NCVA competition and National level events for one (1) calendar year and subject to a lifetime ban.

Tryout Pass/Membership

We recommend you send the following information to all players attending your tryouts:

All players attending NCVA Sanctioned tryouts must have a full membership or a tryout pass ($10.00 NCVA/$5.00 USAV). Tryout passes are good for all tryouts that a player attends. Tryout passes do not extend past tryouts, once tryouts are completed you will need to purchase a full membership. To attend NCVA Sanctioned tryouts, you need to register online with NCVA.

To register for the tryout, pass or full membership:

If you are uncertain or have a question reqarding membership, please contact the NCVA

Membership fees are non-refundable, if you are uncertain about which membership to purchase, email the NCVA [email protected] so that we can assist you.

Tryout Procedure

All tryout procedures and policies will need to be followed whether you are having a tryout or not. This entails waiting until the specified signing date to sign players, collect uniform sizes, collect forms and/or payments.

Teams holding a Tryout

We would like to make the tryout procedure as easy as possible. Please follow the instructions below and should you have any questions on the procedure, contact the NCVA Office [email protected]. You may start submitting tryout forms on first Tuesday of June. Tryout information will be posted online once a week, on Tuesdays.

Helpful Guide to an Easy Tryout Process

This process should begin at least two (2) weeks prior to your tryout dates.

Step 1: Gather your information

  • Submit a SportsEngine/NCVA Club Sanctioning Form (if not already submitted)
  • Step 2: Tryout Staff Registration Any adult who helps in any capacity at the tryouts must be a member of the NCVA and pass a background check. Otherwise, the NCVA insurance coverage becomes null and void! You will receive an email noting which adults will need to have a background check for the upcoming season.

    2024 - 2025 Adult Affiliated with a Junior Program Membership

    The following items must be completed within the SportsEngine System:

    • Membership: $52.00 NCVA / $23.00 USAV
    • Yearly Background Check: $14.00 (not included in the $52 NCVA/ $23 USAV membership price)
    • SafeSport Certification (no cost)

    All memberships are non-refundable, non-transferable. Once payment has been accepted, no refunds are given.

    Step 3: Tryout Passes / Website

    Once the above items are complete, your Tryout information will be posted on the NCVA Website, unless otherwise requested. We will post your Tryout information, usually every Tuesday.

    Step 4: During Tryouts

    Each Club Director or Registrar will need to keep a list of ALL participants at the tryout. This list will be submitted to NCVA. The information on the list must include all participants’ first name, last name and membership number.

    Step 5: Tryout Completion

    After your tryouts, you must submit a complete list of attendees to NCVA. The list must follow these requirements:

    Failure to complete all requirements for the tryout process by the deadlines set, will result in an advertising and/or sanction fee being charged to your club in the amount of $500.00.

    Tryout Sanctioning Form

    The club Tryout Sanctioning Form can be found and completed online


    Clinic Procedure - Helpful Guide to an Easy Clinic Process

    Before Clinics

    This process should begin at least Two (2) weeks prior to your Clinic dates.

    Step 1: Gather your information

    Step 2: Clinic Staff Registration

    We must receive, via email, a list of all adults associated with your clinics. Any adult who helps in any capacity at the clinics must be a member of the NCVA, pass a background check, IMPACT Certified, and SafeSport Certified. Otherwise, the NCVA insurance coverage becomes null and void! You will receive an email noting which adult will need to have a background check for the upcoming season.

    2024 - 2025 Adult Affiliated with a Junior Program Membership

    The following items must be completed within the SportsEngine System:

    • Membership: $52.00 NCVA + $23.00 USAV
    • Yearly Background Check: $14.00 (not included in the $52 NCVA/ $23 USAV membership price)
    • SafeSport Certification (no cost)

    All memberships are non-refundable, non-transferable. Once payment has been accepted, no refunds are given.

    Step 3: Clinic Passes / Website

    Once the above items are complete, your Clinic information will be posted on the NCVA Website as requested. We will post your Clinic information, once approved.

    Step 4: During Clinics

    Each Club Director or Registrar will need to keep a list of ALL participants at the clinic. This list will be submitted to NCVA. The information on the list must include all participants’ first name, last name and membership number.

    Step 5: Clinic Completion

    After your clinics, you must submit a complete list of attendees to NCVA.

    The list must follow these requirements:

    Failure to complete all requirements for the tryout process by the deadlines set, will result in an advertising and/or sanction fee being charged to your club in the amount of $500.00.

    Clinic Sanctioning Form

    The Clinic Sanctioning Form can be completed online.

    All steps included in the Clinic Procedure must be completed before your club clinics will be sanctioned and insured by the NCVA.


    The NCVA provides outstanding insurance coverage for our teams. At NO CHARGE to you, we will provide you with facility insurance coverage for all your practice sites. This form may be used by junior clubs or adult teams that would like to request a certificate(s) of insurance for a facility.

    The facility is covered by the insurance company for all club practices and NCVA-sanctioned tournaments, for current registered members of USAV/NCVA only. To request insurance coverage, please complete the online Insurance Request form. For additional insurance information contact the NCVA.

    Insurance, Medical and Incident Forms


    Membership Requirement

    For each sanctioned season, all participating individuals are required to complete their own membership online within the SportsEngine system on the NCVA website. This must be done before attending a tryout, practice, event or tournament.
    Please visit our Membership page for more information and instructions.

    Registering as a Member

    Prior to registering on SportsEngine for the season, please note the following:

    • You must create a SportsEngine account, your account holds 'profiles' (sub-accounts within the account). If a athlete is NOT 18, the parent/guardian must create the account under their name, and add the athlete profile in their account.
    • Please use member’s legal name (Do not use Liz instead of Elizabeth or Bobby instead of Robert).
    • Once a registration is paid and accepted, it is non-refundable, non-transferable.

    All Memberships are non-refundable, non-transferable.

    Please review the list below to see if each form is required, or not.

    Forms required to be submitted online to the NCVA Office:

    These forms do not need to be submitted to the NCVA Office, but Club Directors are required to keep a hard copy on file:

    • Letter of Commitment – must be submitted to NCVA upon request within 48 hours.
    • Medical Release Form (All coaches are required to have a copy with them at all NCVA/USAV events).
    • Approved Age Waiver Form, if applicable.



    USA Volleyball SafeSport requires all participating coaches listed on the roster must be IMPACT and SafeSport Certified. The NCVA also recommends that parents and spectators complete SafeSport.

    The primary IMPACT goal is to help all coaches understand and become well-skilled in the awesome responsibility and incredible opportunity they have to influence young people positively through the sport of volleyball. This course is an offshoot of the Coaching Accreditation Program (CAP), which is under the auspices of the USA Volleyball branch of Educational Programs and Services.

    Click here to view our IMPACT page on our website.


    The NCVA would like to assist all coaches in becoming responsible and respectful coaches.

We all have a role to play in providing a healthy setting for our sport. The SafeSport Program raises awareness about possible misconduct in our sport, promotes open dialogue and provides training and resources. When we work as a team, we can build a plan to make volleyball safe – for everyone.

USA Volleyball and NCVA are committed to fostering a fun, healthy and safe sport environment for all its members. We must recognize that the safety of minors lies with all those involved in the sport and is not the sole responsibility of any one person at the club, regional or national level.

We all have a role to play in providing a healthy setting for our sport. The USA Volleyball SafeSport Program raises awareness about possible misconduct in our sport, promotes open dialogue and provides training and resources. When we work as a team, we can build a plan to make volleyball safe – for everyone.

USA Volleyball members should use the policies, guidelines, best practices, strategies and tools available to implement SafeSport practices at the local level. Together we can provide a safe environment for all members to enjoy the sport of volleyball.

Click here to view our SafeSport page on our website.

Starting September 1st, the below courses will be available in the USAV Clinics to register for the upcoming season.

  • 2024 - 2025 Core Center for SafeSport Training
  • 2024 - 2025 Center for SafeSport Refresher 1 Training

Who is required to take the Core Center for SafeSport Training?

  • Any new member who falls into the category of the required training.
  • Any member who took the USOC previous version of the SafeSport training on the Team USA Prep site.
  • Any junior member turning 18 during the season.  Parents can fill out the consent for their 17 year old to take the Core training prior to the athlete turning 18 if they choose by following this link Parental Consent.  If the parent chooses to have their child take the training when they turn 18, the athlete will need to register themselves and complete the training as soon as possible to avoid any disruption in play.

Who is required to take the Refresher?

Any member who has taken the Core Center for SafeSport training with an expiration of 08/31/2025.  You must have completed the Core Training to be eligible for the refresher 1 training.

All 2024 - 2025 IMPACT and SafeSport classes will be completed online. Please visit the link below to sign up for the USA Volleyball ON-DEMAND courses.

  • MAAP Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies, 2025 MAAP Revisions
  • Access USAV Academy/IMPACT:
    • Login to SportsEngine
    • Go to Household and select the profile that requires SafeSport Certification
    • Click on View Details
    • On the top right corner click the “USAV Academy” button


I. Purpose

The HIROS Initiative was created as a response to the prevalent and increasing numbers of harassment incidents making headlines in sport. USA Volleyball has adopted a zero tolerance approach to this initiative at all qualifiers and national championships. The initiative’s aim is to empower tournament staff to confidently respond and report incidents of harassment, in real-time, regarding physical violence and / or hate speech directed toward an individual’s ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or disability. This collaboration was successful thanks to representatives from the USAV DEI Committee, officials, arbitrators, and Region staff.

II. Resources

  • A PowerPoint presentation is available for sharing this initiative with Region Board members, tournament directors, coaches, officials, parents and other constituents.
  • HIROS form can be easily accessed through a direct link HIROS online form, or a hard copy can be printed and provided to event site management.
  • All forms submitted using the USAV provided online submission, will be forwarded to the Region designee(s) on a weekly basis. Everyone submitting the form will immediately receive an email confirmation once the form has been submitted.
  • III. Participation

  • Mandatory at national events (i.e. qualifiers, GJNC, BJNC, Opens)
  • Voluntary at the Region level. Each Region can elect to adopt the HIROS initiative as provided and/or modified for individual Region needs
  • We are grateful to all those who have and continue to contribute to this effort to ensure events and programs are conducted in an inclusive and supportive environment free from harassment


    It has been the policy of the Northern California Volleyball Association, NCVA Board of Directors, the NCVA office staff, and the Officials Advisory Group that during league play tournaments, teams will be responsible for providing the first referee, second referee, two (2) line judges, and three (3) scorekeepers if a League tournament (including Qualifier and Regionals) does not have paid certified officials.

    • Coaches are required to be part of the officiating crew when their team is assigned to officiate a match. All coaches, unless acting as a line judge, R1 or R2, must be present at the scoring table. While their team is officiating, all coaches must be actively attentive, listening to what is occurring around the court to make sure the score is kept accurately and all players are performing their duties appropriately. Coaches failing to fulfill this role for their team will subject them to incomplete officiating team sanctions which consists of forfeiting a point a minute, up to 25 points, in the first set of the next match. If this is the last match of the day, please refer to the sanctions section for additional information.
    • Junior players that have been through the Junior Officials training program can be the first referee (R1).
    • If a team does not have a player that has completed the Junior Officials training program, the coach must be the R1.
    • All players attending the USAV Junior National Volleyball Championships must fulfill any additional requirements as set forth by the Competition Committee of USA Volleyball.
    • All teams registered for NCVA Power League must designate a certified scorekeeper on their roster in TM2; the certified scorekeeper must be an athlete. All participants with an NCVA/USAV membership get access to Certified Scorekeeper trainings appropriate to their membership type in USAV Academy on SportsEngine. Although only one certified scorekeeper is required on the roster, we encourage all athletes participating with NCVA to take this training.

    USAV Academy

  • Access USAV Academy/IMPACT:
    • Login to SportsEngine
    • Go to Household and select the profile that requires SafeSport Certification
    • Click on View Details
    • On the top right corner click the “USAV Academy” button

    Significant Rule Changes 2023 - 2025

    This information can be found on the USA Volleyball website here.

    Junior Officials Program

    The Junior Officials Program is designed to offer junior players many opportunities.

    • To help the junior officials advance their officiating skills as well as their playing experience.
    • To provide role models for the younger junior players.
    • To offer a part time job for those willing to learn the trade.
    • To identify new officials and help them enter the officiating ranks.
    • To advance in volleyball through the Officials Division. Many former Junior Officials are now advancing their ratings and entering the Regional and Junior National levels as well as working high school matches.

    We here at the NCVA have a great opportunity if you are:

    • A Player that is frequently assigned as the First Official for your team
    • A Coach that wants to have one (1) or more of your players receive the Junior Official Certificate for your team

    Junior Officials will be required to:

    • Have a full membership
    • To attend a symposium, which will cover the R1, R2, Scorekeeping, and Line Judge Positions.
    • To have a uniform that consists of navy blue dress slacks or shorts (no denim), all white athletic shoes and socks, white, grey or blue polo shirt, whistle, timing device and flipping coin.
    • To have reliable transportation (car or parent) to and from the assigned sites.

    If you are interested in signing up for the Junior Official’s Program, please contact the NCVA.

    Junior Officials will be required to submit the following:

    • Online Membership – if not already registered as a junior player
    • Background Screen, if 18 – if not 18, within ten (10) days of turning 18.
    • SafeSport Certified, if 18 – if not 18, within ten (10) days of turning 18.
    • HelloSign Packet, which includes:
      • Independent Contractor Form
      • W-9 Form
      • Direct Deposit Form, if applicable

    Codes of Conduct

    All attendees are required to abide by the following codes of conduct and behavior. Violations of these codes may include removal from the event in addition to potential penalties against the team you are affiliated with including, but not limited to removing the team from the event and awarding last place points.

    USAV Code of Conduct

    The USAV Member Code of Conduct is provided as a downloadable PDF.

    The NCVA is committed to creating and upholding traditions of excellence through volleyball by focusing on responsibility and accountability. Everyone involved in the sport of volleyball will fit into at least one of the following categories.

    NCVA Code of Behavior for Spectators/Parents

    The following is not a complete list of behavior codes, but it gives a starting point in considering what proper behavior at a volleyball event is for spectators.

    • Remain in the spectator area during matches.
    • Do not make derogatory comments to coaches, officials, tournament directors or players of either team.
    • Do not drink alcohol or do drugs at tournaments or come to a tournament having consumed alcohol or drugs.
    • Respect the integrity and judgment of the officials without taunting or approaching them at any time.
    • Be in control of your emotions.
    • Respect the rights of others and treat the visiting team and their spectators courteously.
    • Abide by all applicable federal, state, and local laws while attending any match.
    • Cheer positively for your team, using socially acceptable language.
    • Follow the rules of the event
    • Follow the rules of the facility, such as NO FOOD IN GYM, no beach chairs, etc.
    • Do not move chairs in any facility.
    • Use litter receptacles to properly dispose of trash.
    • Use only designated smoking areas that are clearly posted. – (No smoking or vaping unless in a designated area).
    • Applaud good performances by both teams. Excessive noise during such as pounding on bleachers or use of artificial noise makers is not permitted.
    • Discourage all forms of violent behavior.
    • Direct all questions at an event to the Head Coach or Club Director for your team/club as opposed to contacting the Tournament Director directly.
    • Do not directly contact any event site or venue used by NCVA. If you have questions about the venue, contact the NCVA.
    • Do not advise the coach on how to coach.
    • Do not try to coach your child during the match.
    • Cheer for your child’s team.
    • Show interest, enthusiasm, and support for your child.
    • Help when asked by coaches or officials.
    • Thank coaches, officials, tournament directors, and other volunteers who conducted the event.
    • Know the rules.
    • Avoid conduct that is inappropriate as determined by comparison to normally accepted behavior.
    • Physical or verbal intimidation of any individual is unacceptable.
    • DO NOT steal from vendors, other spectator and participants, and/or the venue and NCVA
    • Understand that there are consequences for your behavior that may include removal from the event in addition to potential penalties against the team you are affiliated with including, but not limited to removing the team from the event and awarding last place points.

    Athlete Code of Behavior

    As an athlete, I:

    • will participate in volleyball free of alcohol and drugs
    • will use positive verbal and physical behavior, controlling my temper and aggression
    • will give true information concerning another individual’s involvement in or knowledge of an incident relevant to a violation of the rules
    • will play by the rules of volleyball
    • will display fair play by treating all those involved in the match with dignity and respect
    • will treat others as I would like to be treated
    • will work hard and honestly to improve performance and participation
    • will maintain a positive image of myself by participating for enjoyment
    • will respect the decisions of officials and tournament directors
    • will respect the Officials
    • will respect all NCVA and Event staff members
    • will not use my cellphone, or accessories such as headphones while my team is playing or officiating
    • will NOT steal from vendors, other spectator and participants, and/or the venue and NCVA

    Club Director Code of Behavior

    As a club director, I:

    • will insist that coaches conduct themselves in a professional manner
    • will provide equal opportunities and equal access for everyone to participate
    • will insist that unruly fans be removed from the premises
    • will follow the rules and regulations of USAV/NCVA to ensure that the association’s philosophy and objectives are enhanced
    • will develop programs that encompass fairness to the participants and promote fair play
    • will positively promote and publicize volleyball
    • will hire positive role models for athletes
    • will assist in the provision of appropriate first aid and injury treatment of athletes
    • will inform all parents participating with my club that all questions at any tournament should be addressed by contacting the Head Coach or Club Director and not the Tournament Director directly.

    Successful Coaching Behavior

    The successful coach is one who conveys:

    • the joy of competition
    • the meaning of effort
    • the worth of character
    • the power of kindness
    • the wisdom of honesty
    • the influence of example
    • the rewards of cooperation
    • the virtue of patience
    • the importance of fair play


    I. Purpose

    The HIROS Initiative was created as a response to the prevalent and increasing numbers of harassment incidents making headlines in sport. USA Volleyball has adopted a zero tolerance approach to this initiative at all qualifiers and national championships. The initiative’s aim is to empower tournament staff to confidently respond and report incidents of harassment, in real-time, regarding physical violence and / or hate speech directed toward an individual’s ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or disability. This collaboration was successful thanks to representatives from the USAV DEI Committee, officials, arbitrators, and Region staff.

    II. Resources

    A PowerPoint presentation is available for sharing this initiative with Region Board members, tournament directors, coaches, officials, parents and other constituents.

    HIROS form can be easily accessed through a direct link HIROS online form, or a hard copy can be printed and provided to event site management.

    All forms submitted using the USAV provided online submission, will be forwarded to the Region designee(s) on a weekly basis. Everyone submitting the form will immediately receive an email confirmation once the form has been submitted.

    III. Participation

    Mandatory at national events (i.e. qualifiers, GJNC, BJNC, Opens)

    Voluntary at the Region level. Each Region can elect to adopt the HIROS initiative as provided and/or modified for individual Region needs

    We are grateful to all those who have and continue to contribute to this effort to ensure events and programs are conducted in an inclusive and supportive environment free from harassment



    There has been sufficient abuse of competition privileges by teams in past years to warrant a list of published penalties or sanctions. The ramifications of these abuses are that gym sites or formats have to be altered at the very last minute. This has led to lessening the quality of tournaments for those teams who remain involved. The following sanctions are meant to curtail the cavalier use of the junior tournament structure and to enhance tournament play for all teams.


    Teams having to cancel from a league tournament or are unable to get to a tournament site due to acts of God and/or weather conditions and road closures will not be sanctioned which will be determined by the NCVA Office. Teams should notify the NCVA Office, in writing, if this type of situation becomes applicable to them.

    To Cancel from a Power League or Non-League Tournament

    A team canceling 14 days or more prior to a league/non-league day will not receive a sanction. However, if you cancel 13 days or less prior to the tournament day, you will lose your entry fee and possibly other sanctions may apply, see below. No refunds for cancellations of any tournament. To cancel tournament attendance, you must complete the online tournament cancellation form.

    Sanctions & Penalties

    Officiating Violations

    1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense
    Missed Officiating Assignment** $150.00 $250.00 $350.00
    Late to Officiating Assignment Forfeit 1 point per minute in 1st set of next match Forfeit 2 points per minute in 1st set of next match Forfeit 3 points per minute in 1st set of next match
    Incomplete Officiating Team $50.00 $75.00 $100.00
    Coach Not Present at Score Table $100.00 $150.00 $200.00

    Other Penalties

    1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense
    Code of Behavior Violation 13 Point Rule and $200.00 13 Point Rule and $250.00 13 Point Rule and $300.00
    Illegal Player(s)*** $500.00 $1000.00 Club suspension for current season.

    *Loss of Entry Fee, plus sanction fee.
    **Last place finish/point if they apply, sanction fee.
    ***Forfeit all matches played.

    NCVA Boys Power League Tournament Cancellation Sanction Fees

    1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense
    30 Days Prior to Event No Penalty** No Penalty** No Penalty**
    Up to 14 Days Prior to Event $125.00 $175.00 $225.00
    Up to 7 Days Prior to Event $150.00 $200.00 $250.00
    Up to 5 Days Prior to Event $175.00 $225.00 $275.00
    Up to 2 Days Prior to Event $200.00 $250.00 $300.00
    The Day Prior to Event $300.00 $350.00 $400.00
    No Show Day of Event $400.00 $450.00 $500.00

    *All teams who wish to cancel tournament attendance are required to submit the Tournament Cancellation Form.
    **All Cancellations within 30 days of the event results in loss of Entry Fee, plus Sanction Fees above.

    Sanction Payments

    All fines must be paid before the sanctioned team/participant may enter into their next NCVA event. Please be aware of these penalties and take care of them as soon as possible.

    Teams leaving multi-day tournaments early and failing to fulfill all officiating assignments

    Teams that have no flexibility in their travel plans and know they will need to leave before their division completes play will report to the Tournament Director no later than the end of play on the day prior to the final day of Tournament.

    Failure to report to the Tournament Director no later than the end of play on the day prior to the final day of Tournament will result in a team sanction. This sanction will be in the amount of $400.00. This sanction will be reported to USA Volleyball and teams will not be able to participate in any future events until paid.

    Illegal Player

    An illegal player is one who:

    • Competes under elements of false identification such as name, birth date, club affiliation, etc.
    • Competes, but is not registered with the NCVA.
    • Competes on two (2) teams in the same tournament. In one (1) event occurs over multiple weekends, a player may only participate on one (1) weekend/division.
    • Competes in an event with another team while the player’s original team is being sanctioned for an offense.
      • Illegal players, the team coach, and the club director will fall under the guidelines of the due process procedure. Penalties may range from but are not limited to, immediate suspension of an individual to the suspension of the entire club and monetary fines.

    Age Falsification

    For all NCVA events, any person who alters any document that certifies the age of a participant, or falsifies any statement that lists the age of a participant, will be sanctioned according to the terms listed below.

    Any team representative, coach, club director, or responsible adult who is found to be party to age falsification shall be:

    1. Immediately suspended from registration with NCVA/USAV and barred from further participation in the event; and
    2. Barred from participation in any NCVA/USAV events in any capacity for a minimum of two (2) years; and
    3. Placed on a minimum probation of one additional year, to run consecutively to the suspension.

    Junior players who knowingly play in lower age classifications than which they are eligible or adult players who knowingly play in higher age classifications than which they are eligible shall be:

    1. Immediately suspended from registration with NCVA/USAV and barred from further participation in the event; and
    2. Barred from participation in any NCVA/USAV events in any capacity for a minimum of two (2) years; and
    3. Placed on a minimum probation of one additional year, to run consecutively to the suspension.

    Violating NCVA Tryout and Commitment Policies

    The following sanctions apply directly to the Clubs, Teams and/or person(s) violating the policy.

    First Offense - Individual(s)

    • Suspension from All NCVA/USAV competition for a minimum of one (1) week up to a maximum of one (1) month, depending on the severity of the violation.
    • Multiple offenses arising from the same incident (for example, multiple players on the same team violate the same policy) will incur separate penalties for each offender.

    First Offense - Club Teams

    Removal from NCVA Sanctioned Events, including but not limited to: Power League, Premier League, Region Bid Events, etc.

    Second Offense - Individual(s)

    • Suspension from All NCVA/USAV competition for a minimum of one (1) month up to a maximum of one (1) year, depending on the severity of the violation.
    • Multiple offenses arising from the same incident (for example, multiple players on the same team violate the same policy) will incur separate penalties for each offender.

    Second Offense - Clubs/Teams

    Potential loss of club sanctioning or recognition as a club of USA Volleyball. Ineligibility for participation in any USAV Sanctioned event including National Qualifiers

    All suspensions being on the date of the first competition following the violation for the penalized person(s). All sanctions begin with the first tournament of the season. If any person fails to adhere to the terms of the sanction, the individual will be suspended from NCVA competition and National events for one calendar year and subject to a lifetime ban. Further, the coaching staff of the team on which the person is registered will be suspended from NCVA competition and National events for one (1) calendar year and subject to a lifetime ban. If the individual is the club director, all coaches in the club will be suspended from NCVA competition and National events for one (1) calendar year and subject to a lifetime ban.

    Violating the Code of Conduct

    Any participants/attendees found in violation of the code of conduct will be required to attend a behavioral seminar, determined by NCVA, in addition to any other sanctions that may be assessed. Attendance and completion of the behavioral seminar will be at the expense of the person in violation of the code of conduct. Completion of the required behavioral seminar will be required before the person may participate in or attend any future events.

    Food in the Playing Facility / Failure to Follow Facility Rules

    Tournament directors may impose the “13-Point Rule” for teams who are violating the “No Food in Gym” policy. The “13-Point Rule” means that in the team’s next set, the score will begin at 0-13, with 13 points automatically awarded to the opposing team. This will be noted in the tournament director’s report, which will result in the club’s being fined a minimum of $200.00 and receive the last place finish/points if they apply. During the tournaments located in Convention Centers, if your team is caught with food you may be removed from the tournament.

    Late for an Officiating Assignment

    Tournament directors may impose the following sanction for teams who are late for and/or miss an officiating assignment. Your team’s opponent will be awarded a point a minute for each minute you are late to your officiating assignment, up to 25 points (one set). If this is the last match of the day, then the team may be fined $150.00.

    League Commitment

    Once a team has committed to play in the League, the team is automatically entered into each League date. If a team cannot attend a League tournament, the team must still cancel from the tournament by submitting the Tournament Cancellation Form, using the criteria stated in this Handbook. The club will not receive a refund for the canceled tournament. The team will be placed as the last finisher in that tournament and receive last place points. The team will be dropped to the next division, depending on the League structure. There are no refunds and sanctions may occur if your team does not cancel in the allotted time.

    Additional Sanctions

    Specific sanctions are mentioned and described in various sections of this Handbook, and in some cases, a specific penalty is associated with a particular violation. In addition, NCVA has the right to impose sanctions with respect to any violation of any other part of this Handbook, or any violation of USA Volleyball’s Code of Ethics, Code of Conduct, Participant Code of Conduct, Eligibility Rules, Substance Abuse Policy, or other policy, as well as any other indiscretions not specifically covered in this Handbook or policies of NCVA or USA Volleyball. The extent and type of sanctions imposed shall be at the sole discretion of the NCVA, subject to the due process procedures described herein.

    Sanction Procedure

    Confirmation of missed officiating assignments, forfeiture of matches, food/drink violations, no-shows, use of illegal players, or any other violations that come to the attention of the tournament director will be communicated by the tournament director to the NCVA Office. The tournament director will also record all offenses on the appropriate forms. After the event in question, the NCVA Office will confirm the offense(s) with the club director and sanctions will be imposed if appropriate. The NCVA Office will record all offenses in the team’s folder.

    Sanction Appeal Process

    Any sanction that does not involve probation, suspension of any duration, or expulsion (severe sanction) shall take effect as soon as it is imposed either by the tournament director or the NCVA office. Any club director or participant who is penalized with a sanction that is not a severe sanction shall have the right to appeal the sanction, by the earlier of either the seventh day after receiving the sanction or the club’s or participant’s next scheduled event, whichever is first. An appeal shall consist of a letter from the club or participant who has been sanctioned along with any other materials the club or participant chooses to provide. Appeals of non-severe sanctions shall be considered, as soon as reasonably practicable by the NCVA Office, in consultation with the tournament director. NCVA shall provide the club director or participant with written notice of its decision, and there will be no further appeal of the matter.

    Sanctions involving facility rules/policies such as food policies will not be required to identify the persons and/or specific team incurring the sanction. The Tournament Director will determine the club affiliation for the sanction. These Sanctions may not be appealed based on questions regarding the person and/or specific team involved in the incident. While the Tournament Director may choose to notify the Club Director on site at events in Convention Centers, it is not mandatory to do so. The Tournament Director is not required to give a warning for these Sanctions at any time.

    Severe sanctions will be handled under NCVA’s due process procedures.

    Due Process

    The NCVA’s Due Process Procedure is available as a downloadable PDF.


    The NCVA recognizes and adopts (for purposes of RVA activities and privileges) any penalties imposed by the USA Volleyball Ethics & Eligibility Committee.

    Background Check Policy

    Adults affiliated with a Junior Program must submit their yearly Background Check ($14.00), which needs to be purchased after purchasing your new season's membership through SportsEngine.

    The most up to date USAV/NCVA Background Screening Policy is provided as a downloadable PDF.

    Travel Policy

    USA Volleyball Junior Clubs are required to implement a team travel policy. The following link will assist clubs in developing their own policy. If a Club chooses not to, or is unable to, create a written travel policy, the following model policy will become the default policy for that club.

    USAV Sample Travel Policy

    Social Media and Electronic Communication Policy

    USA Volleyball junior clubs are required to implement an electronic communication policy. The policy must be reviewed with and agreed to by all athletes, parents, coaches, and other adults affiliated with the Club. The following link is a model to assist clubs in developing their own policy. If a Club chooses not to, or is unable to, create a written electronic communication policy, the following model policy will become the default electronic communication policy for that club.

    USAV Sample Social Media Policy


    The communication in the NCVA Boys Division is as follows, as requested by NCVA Club Directors:

    Players and Parents → Coaches → Club Director → NCVA Office

    All NCVA members: When registering online with NCVA, even though it is not a required field, please be sure to provide a phone number and your email address.

    NCVA Office

    The NCVA Office will communicate with a Club Director or Representative listed under the club sanctioning form.

    Communications will be made in the same manner to all clubs, with no individual club or group of clubs receiving privileged information from the NCVA office or any tournament personnel.

    In an effort to provide better service, please contact your Club Director/Coach before calling the NCVA.

    Club Director

    • This Club Director and/or Club Admin will be the only person in the club who may contact the NCVA Office on matters involving the Boys Division.
    • The Club Director or Club Admin must be a member of the NCVA, pass a background check and be SafeSport certified.
    • Any change of Club Director must notify the NCVA Office in writing by emailing [email protected]


    Coaches are recommended to contact their Club Director for all junior information.

    If a coach cannot receive appropriate information from the Club Director and the information is not on the NCVA Website, the coach may contact the NCVA Office.

    Players and Parents

    Players and their parents should contact their Coach or Club Director for all Boys Division information. Based on the contract between NCVA and all Club Directors, it is their responsibility to provide you with all required and necessary information. However, if a player/parent cannot receive appropriate information from the Club Director/Coach, the information should be found on the NCVA website. If a parent needs to contact NCVA, please do so via email and include as much detail as possible. You must include the parent’s full name, club name and team affiliation information in order to receive a response. If this information is omitted, you will not receive a response. Emails from parents are responded to in the order it was received, usually within three (3) to five (5) business days.

    Filing Complaints

    The NCVA is willing to investigate complaints that are lodged against various personnel such as club directors, coaches, officials, tournament directors, NCVA staff, or parents, but only if a complaint falls under the jurisdiction of the NCVA. If a complaint does not fall under the NCVA’s jurisdiction, the region cannot act against the person because the NCVA does not have the authority to govern the acts that brought on the complaint. To file a complaint, please view the information below.

    Examples of Jurisdiction

    Situation Who has Jurisdiction
    Player not receiving enough playing time. Coach or Club Director
    Parents charged too much money by the club. Club Director
    The team enters tournaments requiring travel. Coach or Club Director
    Poor officiating or incompetent tournament director.
    (Must be reported by Club Director)
    NCVA – Use the links provided.
    Falsifying age identification. NCVA
    Violation of NCVA policies. NCVA
    Inappropriate behavior toward a minor. NCVA and Club Director
    Illegal rosters. NCVA and Club Director
    A coach who is found cheating. NCVA and Club Director
    Abusive coaching / SafeSport violations NCVA and The Center for SafeSport


    The BPAC (Boys' Junior Program Advisory Committee) is a committee consisting of non-paid chair members, each representing a district within the NCVA region. The goal of BPAC is to create a clear channel of communication, allowing all clubs and districts to have input in decisions related to the season.

    The difference between a club controlled Advisory Committee versus a club controlled Board is that the former prevents any ulterior motives from steering the league's decision-making. In contrast, the latter has no moderator to ensure sound decision making.

    NCVA Contact Information

    Contact info for the NCVA and its staff can be found on the NCVA website

    Telephone Number: (415) 550-7582
    Email Address: [email protected]
    Website Address:
    Address: 5621 Skylane Blvd.
    Santa Rosa, CA 95403


    NoDinx Logo

    Since 1989, No Dinx Volleyball has been pushing the envelope with progressive, innovative volleyball apparel designs. From our own line of inspirational volleyball clothing to our popular volleyball tournament t-shirts, sweatshirts, and volleyball gear, we design by looking to the future, while also maintaining a strong classic feel.

    Molten Logo

    Guided by the brand statement, ‘For the real game’, Molten is committed to producing the absolute best quality sports equipment to help athletes maximize performance and realize their full potential. By combining innovative technology and superior craftsmanship, Molten will continue to create products of impeccable quality to serve and support the growth and development of the global sports community;


    The Art of Coaching Volleyball has an unwavering commitment to you to offer the tools necessary for you to be an outstanding coach who values listening and learning and seeks to evolve. If you’re a better coach today than you were yesterday, they’ve done their job, and so have you.

    Championship Combines is focused on creating the opportunity for players to demonstrate their volleyball skills and for college coaches to evaluate recruits in a quick and economical manner.  Contact information for each combine athlete will be provided to college volleyball coaches who attend a combine.

    Micheal Hall Photography has specialized in producing the highest quality, most beautiful imagery of youth volleyball possible. Known for capturing not just peak action, but also the moments of joy, comraderie and spontaneity that make up the sport of volleyball, their images are highly sought after.

    Next College Student Athlete® (NCSA) was founded in 2000 to help student-athletes and their families navigate the cutthroat, competitive, and often confusing world of college recruiting. Their team of former college athletes, coaches and scouts, our network of 99% of American college coaches, and our custom technology and tools give you the edge you need in

    SportStars Magazine has been producing award-winning community-based club and high school sports coverage since 2010. Primarily focused on the Northern California region, the media company has profiled schools and athletes, teams, and clubs throughout the state. SportStars and NCVA joined forces in 2016 when it was obvious there was a natural fit to promote and cover the high-level volleyball being played throughout the region.

    TM2Sign is proud to be a partner with the NCVA, providing the tournament management software package with the most features and ease of use in the industry to help the region manage team registration, team scheduling, officials registration, officials scheduling and guest registration for the many NCVA events.

    Tournament Housing Services (THS) Since our inception in 1998, we have been offering teams and parents a seamless reservation process, using live inventory and cutting-edge proprietary technology. We are confident you’ll appreciate working with people who understand your needs, will be patient with last minute changes, and are always there to support you.

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