Forms and Documents
Please select a category below to view all applicable forms/documentation.
If you cannot find the form/documentation you need, please reach out to [email protected]
Age Waiver Request: Required for any junior wishing to play in an age group lower than the USAV age definition allows.
Co-Ed Waiver Request: For athletes who wish to participate on a team opposite to their gender.
Change of Club Request: Required for any junior player wishing to leave the club listed on their current letter of commitment. (*It is the player’s responsibility to contact their current and new clubs to fill out the change of club request form. All parties (current club/new club/player ) must submit the form before processing can begin*)
Due Process: Detailed breakdown of NCVA’s Due Process Procedure
Insurance – Secondary Sport Accident Coverage: Summary of Coverage for all Domestic Team Participants Competing in Sanctioned USA Volleyball Events.
Medical Release Form: Required for all junior members.
NCVA Fee Analysis [BOYS]: Detailed breakdown of membership and event fees paid to NCVA.
NCVA Fee Analysis [GIRLS]: Detailed breakdown of membership and event fees paid to NCVA.
Sanctioned Events: Detailed information on Sanctioned and Non-Sanctioned Events.
USAV Background Screen Policy: Detailed information on the USAV background screen process and dis-qualifiers.
USAV Membership Information & Benefits: USA Volleyball (USAV) is the National Governing Body (NGB) of the sport, serving the lifetime sport of volleyball at all ages and levels, through its 40 Regional Volleyball Association’s (RVA) and other affiliated members. Detailed information on the benefits of USAV Membership through NCVA.
USAV Sanctioned Events Attendance Policy: Detailed information on the attendance policy of USA Volleyball.
24/25 Age Definitions: Guidelines set by USAV for the upcoming season.
Clinic Sanctioning Request: Required to host a sanctioned, insured clinic in the Northern California Region.
Club Contact Form: Required to be submitted by ALL club directors each season.
Club Directors Code of Ethics: This document outlines responsibilities for ALL club directors. Required to be submitted by ALL club directors each season.
Communication and Social Media Policy: Recommended sample policy for clubs.
Division Handbook [BOYS]: Required reading for ALL club directors… old and new!
Division Handbook [GIRLS]: Required reading for ALL club directors… old and new!
General Liability Insurance Summary: Summary of the liability coverage for sanctioned clubs.
IMPACT Certification: Required for any adult wishing to participate as a coach.
Insurance Certificate Request: Required to obtain USAV certificates of insurance for your practice/tryout/clinic facilities. (Review the Certificate Request Process)
Insurance Handbook: USA Volleyball administers a medical and liability insurance program customized specifically for the sport of volleyball. It is designed to respond specifically to the inherent hazards of the sport. Offered as part of the sanctioning program, it is one of the most cost-effective policies available.
Insurance – Secondary Sports Accident Coverage: Summary of Coverage for all Domestic Team Participants Competing in Sanctioned USA Volleyball Events.
Letter of Commitment Form [BOYS]: Required to bind a junior player with a junior club in Northern California. [SPANISH VERSION]
Letter of Commitment Form [GIRLS 18-17-16-15]: Required to bind a girls’ division junior player with junior club in Northern California. [SPANISH VERSION]
Letter of Commitment Form [GIRLS 14-13-12-11]: Required to bind a girls’ division junior player with junior club in Northern California. [SPANISH VERSION]
Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies: MAAPP
New Club Application: Required to start a club in the Northern California Region.
Parent Information Guide: Recommended reading for ALL parents.
Kickoff Seeding Appeal [GIRLS ONLY]: Required for any team wishing to appeal for a higher seed.
PLQ Seeding Appeal [GIRLS]: Required for any team wishing to appeal for a higher seed.
PLQ Seeding Appeal [BOYS]: Required for any team wishing to appeal for a higher seed.
Rules Clinic Information: Detailed information for clubs regarding rules clinic requirements.
Scrimmage Sanctioning Request: Required to host a sanctioned, insured scrimmage in the Northern California Region.
Suspended Member List: The current list of individuals prohibited from attending USAV sanctioned events.
Team Rating Request: Required for ALL teams attending Junior Nationals.
Team Roster and Ranking Form: Required for ALL teams each season.
Travel Policy: Recommended sample policy for clubs.
Tryout and Clinic Name List: Required for ALL sanctioned tryouts and clinics.
Tryout and Clinic Packet: Required for ALL sanctioned tryouts and clinics.
Tryout Sanctioning Request: Required to host a sanctioned, insured tryout in the Northern California Region.
Uniform Guide: A brief overview of uniform requirements and reminders for this season.
USAV Safesport Updates: Safesport updates as of June 2022.
Concussion Assessment Tool (SCAT5): The SCAT5 is a standardized tool for evaluating concussions designed for use by physicians and licensed healthcare professionals. The SCAT5 cannot be performed correctly in less than 10 minutes. If you are not a physician or licensed healthcare professional, please use the Concussion Recognition Tool (CRT5).
Concussion Recognition Tool (CRT5): To help identify concussions in children, adolescents, and adults.
Event Registration and Information: Detailed information on using TM2 to register for events.
Facility Hosting Information: Detailed information on becoming an NCVA tournament host.
Injury or Property Damage Incident Report Form: Required for ALL injuries or property damages that occur at a USAV sanctioned event. Please submit this form to [email protected] to report when an incident occurs.
Incident Review Request Form: Required document to initiate an incident review by the NCVA.
Medical Claim Form: Required for ALL parties wishing to submit a claim against USAV insurance, provided by your membership.
Sanctioned Events: Detailed information on Sanctioned and Non-Sanctioned Events.
Spectator and Parent Code of Conduct: Required to be posted at ALL USAV events in Northern California.
Tournament Cancellation Form: Required for ANY team wishing to cancel out of a registered event. Please note that late cancellations may incur additional sanctions. Refer to the division handbook for more information.
Tournament Division Change Request Form: Required for ANY team wishing to change divisions in any event.
Tournament Director Report: Required for ALL tournament directors with NCVA.
USAV Sanctioned Events Attendance Policy: Detailed information on the attendance policy of USA Volleyball.